Scripture Lookup

Scripture Lookup (Reference or key words)

Monday, March 26, 2012

My Amazing Trip

I was given an amazing gift!  It is an all-expense paid trip to PARADISE!!  In my brochure I read that it will be a completely worry-free environment and the weather will be Sonny all the time!  And apparently when you get there, you are instantly healed from all of your diseases, pain and discomfort.  There will only be joy and love, no sadness or crying…and get this…I can sing all day long.

I will be staying in a MANSION where the streets are made of GOLD!  Not just paved with gold, they are MADE out of gold.  The government there is completely above board, and they will have my best interests at heart.  It sounds like the perfect place.  I know when I get there I will never want to leave!!  I will miss everyone, but this trip is just too good to pass up. 

But wait!  This brochure says that I can invite as many of my friends and family as I want to come with me!   The only problem is we have to go at different times.  So who gets to go first??  I would love to go first because this place sounds absolutely wonderful…I’m so tired of dealing with all of the problems of this world.  But how selfish would that be? 

My mother has lived such a selfless life and she has never really had expensive things.   Besides, she has lots of aches and pains and she is getting older.  A trip like this would be such an amazing reward for her.  I should let her go ahead of me.  And my children, why would I want to leave them here in this horrible world when they could go to Paradise and not have to ever worry about anything??  What about my husband?  He is in constant pain with his back and he has to work so hard, just to have every penny drained by bills, bills and more bills.  I should let him go before me.

What if we looked at the death of a loved one with this scenario in mind?   How comforting would it be to know in your heart of hearts that they are truly in a place just as wonderful as I have described?  Would you really want to take that from them?   Would you rob them of that ultimate vacation in Paradise??  If they know Jesus, and have truly made Him the Lord of their life, then they have that free gift and will spend eternity in Heaven (Paradise). 

We are selfish and we want our friends and loved ones to always be with us.  We even pray, “Lord, please take me first.”  But I hope that when you think about this more, you will never pray that again.  I miss my Daddy every day, but I would NEVER wish him back here in this evil world full of sickness and pain.  I’m just excited for the day that I get to go and be with him!

When my work here is done, I will go on my trip, and prayerfully so will you.  And if I go before you, please don’t be sad, I will be in PARADISE with my Daddy and my Jesus.  I will be singing at the top of my lungs and “praising my Savior all the day long”!! 

John 14:1-3 NKJV - "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

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