Scripture Lookup

Scripture Lookup (Reference or key words)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What is Your Assignment?

“Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches.”1Corinthians NIV

Saturday morning I sat eating my toast and watching a preacher on TV.  I didn’t even know his name; I was just watching to see what he had to say because there was nothing else on.  As I sat listening, I heard something so profound, I immediately started crying.  He was talking about how everything was created with a purpose or “assignment”.  Your eyes were created so that you can see, your mouth so that you can talk, and your feet so that you can walk.  Cups were made to drink out of; eye glasses were made to help with sight…you get the picture.  And likewise, each of us was created with an assignment.

Every person has a purpose in this life…as assignment from God.   We are either assigned to a group of people, or to one person. For example, Moses was assigned to the Israelites, but Aaron was assigned to Moses.  We are also assigned to a specific geographical location.  Isn’t it a load off to realize we are not assigned to the whole world, just one place?  Just like a fish out of water, if we are not WHERE we are supposed to be, we will not be able to flourish or fulfill our assignment.    

And the most important part of this message that really hit me…HOW do you know to whom you are assigned? Ask yourself these questions. Whose pain do you feel?  Whose enemies are you willing to fight?  Who do you want to see succeed?  Just think for a minute.  There are certain people that you just feel responsible feel as if it is your job to watch over them and take care of them.  Of course, as a parent you feel this way for your children…but outside of your family, is there any certain person or group of people that you have a heart for?

Some people are drawn to the homeless, some to the elderly, some to teens or children, and others to the mission field.  Certain people just feel the need to go to Africa or China or other certain geographic locations. Maybe you know that God is calling you to a certain church or ministry in your church…or maybe your assignment is to just minister to your spouse.   

I have been asking God to show me exactly where He wants me.  As I sat there thinking about the people in my life, I knew exactly where my heart was.  I know whose pain I feel and whose enemies I am willing to fight.  That is why the tears came. I felt like God was speaking directly to me!  Now it is up to me to take on my assignment. 

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