Scripture Lookup

Scripture Lookup (Reference or key words)

Friday, September 20, 2013

'Twas the Night Before Homecoming

'Twas the night before homecoming and all through the south, 
Moms were up late frantically searching the house
for that one special trinket, and that ribbon they bought,
and the scissors that always seem to be lost. 
Every year we swear that "next year we'll do better!
We'll have this thing finished in early September!"
Though our fingers get burned gluing ribbons and lace,
the pain disappears when we see our daughter's face.
She will smile a sweet smile and say, "it's beautiful, Mom." 
Then we'll fall into bed...our work here is done!
So here's to all mothers making mums with such pride,
Happy Homecoming to all... And to all a Good Night!!!!!

 My beautiful daughter, Maddie,
sporting "the mum."

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