Scripture Lookup

Scripture Lookup (Reference or key words)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Our Love Story

Once upon a time, there was a little brown-haired girl from Texas and a little sandy-haired boy from Louisiana. 

When they were teenagers, the young boy moved to Texas, and began attending school at James Bowie in Simms. 

The young girl attended school at New Boston. 

Every morning the boy would go to the Korner Store (a little store right at the crossroads between Simms and New Boston) before school. 

The young girl's mother worked at the Korner Store, and over time, she just fell in love with the sweet young man from Louisiana.

She would go home and tell her daughter how handsome,
 sweet and polite the young man was. 

 And she would tell the young man how beautiful her daughter was.

So, it came to pass, that the young girl was bored one summer day.  Her mother suggested,

 "Why don't you give that young man that comes
 into the store a call?"   

She called him.  He just happened to be bored, too.

That was in August 1988...and by September they were "IN LOVE"

It was their Senior year of High School.  There were no cell phones or text computers, no Facebook....but there were lots of love notes...

There were two Senior Proms...he couldn't go to hers, she couldn't go to his...but he could stop by to pose for a picture...

They graduated, with big dreams for the future that included
baseball and college...

But quickly decided that one could not live without the other...
so the two became one September 16, 1989.

And 24 years later...the love story continues!

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