Scripture Lookup

Scripture Lookup (Reference or key words)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cody and Rebekah’s Wedding Day 9/10/11

What an amazing day we had on Wedding Day! Everything was so beautiful and things went so smoothly.   That morning I had prayed for God’s grace to make it through and to enjoy every second of the day.  I know that others were praying for me, too, and I am so thankful.  He answered our prayers so amazingly…I never cried, not even once!

In keeping with tradition, the bride and groom did not see each other all day on Saturday.   As the wedding party stood waiting to go down the aisle, Rebekah appeared behind us and we told Cody “don’t look, she is behind you!” 

 After all of the attendants had made it to the front, we all stood as the wedding march began.  As soon as Cody spotted his beautiful bride coming down the aisle, he could not hold back the tears.  His lip started quivering and he was wiping his eyes.  I was watching him watch her and it was so precious.    

Rebekah, my new daughter, had requested that I write them a song for their special day.  The Lord helped me to do that and gave me the voice to sing it to them during the Unity Candle lighting.  It was such a precious moment.  Rebekah was looking at me trying to listen to the words (they had not heard the song until that day) but Cody couldn’t take his eyes off of his bride.  She was breathtaking, that is for sure.    

At the reception, as we all watched them dance their first dance, everyone could see that they only had eyes for each other.  It was so sweet and heart warming to see the incredible love in their eyes.  You just cannot describe the you that is felt knowing that your child is so very happy and so very loved.  

I’m so thankful for God’s grace, His wonderful unmerited favor shown to us every day.  I know that we have not done anything special for God to have blessed us with our two gorgeous, amazing children, but now to show favor on us by adding Rebekah to our family is just beyond words.  Sometimes I forget how truly blessed we are. 

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