Ephesians “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

We may not see Him face to face, but we definitely see the evidence.
We have the proof that He is here.
So how does that faith extinguish the flaming darts of satan? Think of those flaming darts as the lies that satan shoots at us.
Satan says “No one loves you, you are worthless.”
God says “I love you so much that I gave my son to die for you.”(John 3:16)
Satan says “God created your sexual desires, there’s nothing wrong with fulfilling those desires. There’s no way you can stay a virgin until you get married.”
God says “There is no temptation too great that I will not provide a way out.”
(1Corinthians )
says “You can’t trust God to provide you with food or money, you have
to work all that you can, even Sunday, and keep all your money for your
God says “I know what you desire, and if you seek Me first, I will give you everything you need.” (Luke 12:22-31)
Use your faith and the word of God as a shield. As those flaming arrows come at you, you WILL be able to extinguish them all.
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