Scripture Lookup

Scripture Lookup (Reference or key words)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Manipulative Women of the Bible: Introduction

Several weeks ago we began a bible study on Sunday nights in the Youth Room that I named, “Characters Welcome”.  We started in the beginning with Genesis and have been studying the people of the bible.  Currently we are in Genesis 40, in the middle of Joesph’s life.  So far, I have seen quite a terrible pattern among the women that we have studied!  They were very manipulative!  So I decided to do a little further digging into these women’s lives to see what we can learn from their behavior…kind of a “what NOT to do” series. 

Before we begin, first we have to understand what type of manipulation I am referring to.  According to, “Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through underhanded, deceptive, or even abusive tactics.”  As we will see, the women that we are going to look at used psychological manipulation on their husbands to get what they wanted.  Some of them were trying to help God out…which is what I think many women today still try to do . 

As we look into the lives of Eve, Sarai (Sarah), Rebekah and Potipher’s wife, we will see the effects of their manipulation.  I pray that we, as women, will guard ourselves from becoming so overwhelmed in our selfish desires that we try to manipulate others to get what we want. 

Looking forward to sharing with you!  Feel free to let me know your thoughts!            

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