When I was in school, I was definitely an overachiever/perfectionist. My goal was to always make the highest grade in the class...so failing a test was not an option for me. (I still have nightmares about pop quizzes that I don't have the answers to.) If I did happen to do badly on a test, I would always ask the teacher if there was anything that I could do...like re-take the test or do some extra credit. Sometimes they would give me a second chance, sometimes they would not.
As Christians, God's word tells us that we will be tested for various reasons: in order to strengthen our faith (James 1) or in order to prove our faith (1 Peter 1). But what happens when we fail a test? Can we ask our "teacher" for extra credit or maybe even a re-take? My overachieving self sure believes that we can. Why do I believe that? Because last weekend, I failed a test. In the midst of "doing the Lord's work" I neglected to minister to someone that the Lord placed before me. For the sake of privacy, I will not give you all of the details, but trust me when I say, I failed this test miserably.
My test was presented on a day that was one of those hectic, crazy days that actually started at 5:00 am. I couldn't sleep for thinking about all that I had to get done over the next two days, so I got up and got started. I had a to-do list a mile long that exhausted me just thinking about it (the work of the church is never done, right??). After several hours of running around and doing some actual manual labor, I plopped down into my car to drive home. Before I even had time to put the car into "drive", God handed me my "test paper" back with a big huge "F" on it. He immediately brought to my mind the test he had placed before me and I knew instantly what I had done wrong. When I got home, I prayed, confessed and asked for forgiveness...but I still felt bad. So I asked for a little "extra credit" work. I told God if He would let me live until the next day, as soon as I could, I would make this right.
Some that I told about my epic fail thought that I was being too hard on myself. They know my heart and know that my slight was not intentional. But God also knows my heart...and He created a desire in me to always strive for His perfection. God's bulls eye is ULTIMATE PERFECTION through CHRIST. When I missed that mark, that was sin. But when I confessed, God was faithful and just and forgave my sin...and cleansed me from all unrighteousness.(1 John 1:9) He even gave me an opportunity to make things right by allowing me to bless the person that I neglected. He worked it all together for good. (Romans 8:28)
So what do we do when we fail a test (and we ALL will at some point)? Confess, ask for forgiveness and if possible...request a re-take or some extra credit work!! I don't think God would ever say no to that request...He is a God of second chances (read about Jonah, Paul, Moses or David) Don't beat yourself up. Move forward and try to see the failure as an opportunity to grow your faith. God knows that we will never be perfect this side of Heaven, but He expects us to set that as our goal.
" Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." Phil 3:12